Thursday, July 9, 2009

First post!!!! WooHoo!!!!

Well, this is officially my first post on this site! I love blogging and used to do it through MySpace but I ditched them so had to find a new outlet. I have decided that this blog is going to be an avenue for me to "live out loud" for Christ. We were challenged a few weeks ago in a sermon at church to not hold our peace so this is me not holding my peace!

God is here and is moving! I witnessed that last night at church in the lives of some very dear friends of mine that are on a mission team headed to Moldova in September. Airfare was a huge concern for them because its $2,000.00 just for the round trip airfare, not including all the other costs involved with such a trip. My dear friend Shay was very worried about how she was going to be able to go but trusting God to make a way and, boy howdy, did He ever make a way. Our church had conference last night and they voted "Yes" on a motion to pay the airfare for the team! How about that God-fans?!!!!! Is He awesome or what?!!!! It was very encouraging to me to see God move in such a huge way.

I've also seen God moving in my life in the last week. I'm the prayer coordinator for the association that our church belongs to and have been working on getting prayer walks coordinated for the tri-county area located in our association. In one of the counties, we only cover a portion of the schools (about 1/4) located in that county. I had a principal call me from one of the schools we don't cover and specifically ask if we would come and walk his school! I, of course, said YES and immediately felt God's overwhelming presence. This also opened up an opportunity for me to get a neighboring association involved in the prayer walks so I got a "2 for!"

I do have one thing that is weighing on my mind. I know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that God has called me into missions. Part of that is getting the proper education. I have found a school that I can afford but it always seems that the money to pay the tuition goes somewhere else before it can be sent there. Please pray that God will leave the door open and the money issues will work themselves out before September.

Thats all for now, God-fans! I love you all! May the Lord bless you and may His coutenance shine upon you!

Love in Christ,

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